Contests, sales, and reviews, oh my!

Re-Vamp got an absolutely lovely review from award-winning author Susan Price. If you’d like to review Re-Vamp, don’t miss this contest from Die Booth for anyone who reviews Re-Vamp between now and January 2012. Whether you read the stories while the project was online or if you bought a copy, you can still enter!

Speaking of which, if you haven’t got your copy yet or you’re looking for a gift for the horror-lover in your life, Re-Vamp is on sale at Amazon for $9.35! Or, get 25% off at Lulu using the code BUYMYBOOK305.

It’s aliiiive!

Re-Vamp cover

It’s the spookiest day of the year and with it comes the worldwide launch of the Re-Vamp anthology!

With twenty-seven stories, seven full-page illustrations and an introduction by award-winning author Susan Price, this is one Hallowe’en treat you won’t want to miss. Get in a variety of ebook formats or in paperback.

Smashwords (ePub, PDF, mobi, pdb, lrf and more) | Amazon Kindle

Amazon (US) | Lulu (Worldwide)

The fearsome and fantastic world of formatting

Die and I are deeply immersed in the new and exciting world of book formatting. While I’ve been manipulating and mangling the print layout for our best of Re-Vamp anthology, Die’s been elbows-deep in the eBook edition! But hard work appears to be paying off–we’re both pleased with the results so far, as have our contributing authors, and we can’t wait for you to get a look!

In the meantime, over at the project journal, we’ll be posting the bonus stories for our final monster–the Reader’s Choice theme of fairies!

Thinking of Tinkerbell and wishing on a star? Don’t. Walk into the wrong fairy circle or make a bad bargain with a hunched old lady and you might soon find out the horror of the unseelie court!