Spirit Houses by Die Booth – out now, Friday 13th!

Spirit Houses coverIt’s here! Spirit Houses by Die Booth has been released into the wild, today on Friday 13th 2013, and is now available to buy online:

The first limited-edition run of 50 signed and stamped copies sold out ahead of time and I would like to thank everyone who pre-ordered and has supported this book. You can now buy regular copies in paperback and e-book formats online  and don’t forget – if you missed out on the pre-order you can still buy Spirit Houses merchandise while stocks last.

If you read and enjoy Spirit Houses (or any book!), please do consider leaving a review for it somewhere online (its Goodreads page for example) because word-of-mouth is the single most valuable thing to an indie author (and you’ll also get instant good karma – fact!) If you buy a paperback copy, please do lend it to any friends you think might like it and most of all – I hope that you enjoy reading it.

Spirit Houses illustration

Spirit Houses – a new Mad Docs of Lit release

The Mad Doctors of Literature are very pleased to announce that the second (of many forthcoming!) Mad Docs titles is due for release at 13:13 hours on Friday 13th September 2013 – so note that down in your diary!

Mad Doctor Die Booth’s debut full length novel, Spirit Houses, is a genre-defying steampunk-tinged tale of action, adventure and nice cups of tea, with a few chills thrown in for good measure.

You can view book trailers for Spirit Houses now on Youtube – if you dare!

Stay tuned for Spirit Houses updates, or follow Die on Twitter at @diebooth or visit the official Die Booth website.